Monday 26 September 2011

Questionnaire Research

For this we worked together to create a questionnaire to ask people certain questions that aided our research into E4 and helped us decide what to do for our ident. the types of questions that we asked are like: "what is your Favourite colour?" or "what is your favourite E4 program and why?"

The way we did this was by sending the survey to most of our friends in our friends list on FaceBook, or by asking friends and family and asking them personally. From this we were able to have concrete evidence as to what interests the public and how to grab their attentions by targeting the majority. 
Here are the Results of our Questionnaire placed into Pie Charts.

This is an example of the message that was sent to people on my friends list.

Results of our Questionnaire that was sent out.



Favourite Colour


Favourite Genre of movie

Favourite Genre of TV program

In conclusion we found that most of the people from the survey are male and prefer the colours blue and black, their most preferred genre of music is rock and they like comedy movies and programmes, from this we can be able to think an initial idea for the storyboard and the idea for the animation. we felt like this was incredibly useful for us so that we can know what the people are interested in and what grabs their attention so that we can be able to get an interesting and successful ident.

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